Sensory Awareness
is a movement-based mindfulness practice, reconnecting us with the living moment.
Everyday movements rather than exercises, playful explorations, quiet attentiveness rather than effort, take us to a place of renewed engagement. 

How can we be content in a world that does not run according to our plans? How do we live in the midst of uncertainty? Through the practice of Sensory Awareness, we learn to fully connect with life as it is, a stream of experience, ever-changing and awesome. Grounded in the moment, we are freed to act from a place of connection rather than ambition – engaging with reality rather than fighting it. 

Sensory Awareness is a process of inquiry through simple explorations of everyday movements, quiet presence and lively interactions with life. It is an invitation to question our beliefs by experiencing the world with open senses. Playful interactions with the earth’s primary forces — gravity, ground, and air — prepare the foundation for meaningful action. The constant tug of gravity is earth's call to engage, to find orientation. Ground is the support from which we rise, its firm presence gives our moves traction.  Air fuels life, its free flow through us is a condition for sustainable participation in the joys and challenges of living — upright and down to earth.

Stefan Laeng is a Sensory Awareness leader and the Executive Director of the Sensory Awareness Foundation. He offers workshops in the USA and Europe. Stefan has studied Sensory Awareness and related practices since 1980. He worked closely with Sensory Awareness pioneer Charlotte Selver during the last twelve years of her life. His many years of study and practice of Buddhist meditation and philosophy since 1983 inform his work and life as well. Currently, Stefan works on an oral history and biography of Charlotte Selver. He lives in Peterborough, New Hampshire.